Our Cancer Centre of Excellence offers comprehensive cancer treatment by a highly experienced oncology team to serve our community and its vicinity. Before any treatment, the Centre offers counseling and recommends the most appropriate treatment plan for the patient. Both patient and family members would be advised on the treatment process and after-therapy care.

Various approaches are available to treat cancer depending on the type and its status. These can include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and other treatment approaches that can complement each other.


The following are some of the treatments available:

Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment option that uses drugs to eliminate cancer cells directly. The drugs prevent the growth of cancer cells by destroying or stopping them from dividing.

Targetted therapy is a treatment that uses drugs or other substances to interfere with and block the growth of cancer. It works by targeting specific genes, proteins, or tissues of the cancer that contribute to the growth of the cancer.

TransArterial ChemoEmbolisation (TACE) is an image-guided, non-surgical procedure commonly used to treat malignant lesions in the liver. It may be also be used in patients whose cancer has spread to other areas of the body. ChemoEmbolisation may be used as a standalone treatment or in combination with other approaches such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) is a type of radiation therapy to treat malignant and benign tumours. IMRT uses advanced technology to manipulate the radiation beams to conform to the shape of the tumour. It allows the patient to receive higher, more effective doses of radiation while limiting the side effects of treatment and damage to the healthy tissues around the tumours.

Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) uses scan images or X-Rays to increase the precision and accuracy of radiation delivery to cancer cells. It uses a higher dose of radiation to destroy the cancer while avoiding harm to the surrounding healthy tissues. IGRT is usually recommended for tumours located close to sensitive structures and organs in the body, or tumours that are likely to move during treatment such as lung tumours.

Brachytherapy is an internal radiation therapy that works by targeting the cancer tumour from inside the body. The source of radiation is placed directly inside or next to the tumour. Brachytherapy is particularly used to treat cancers of the head and neck, breast, cervix, and prostate.

A Three-dimensional (3D) conformal radiotherapy uses 3D images on a computer to shape beams of radiation around the size and shape of the tumour. The radiation beams are highly conformed on the tumour which allows high doses of radiation to be given accurately and precisely; reducing the amount of radiation damage to the surrounding healthy tissue, which ultimately increases the chance of recovery.

When chemotherapy is used concurrently with radiation therapy to treat cancer in one of the organs, it is known as concurrent chemo-radiation therapy (CCRT). The aim of the treatment is to eliminate the tumour cells while protecting the healthy tissue of the organ. It also prevents the malignant cells from spreading to other organs. This therapy is usually given post-surgery to improve the chance of remission.

Aurelius Hospital Negeri Sembilan was initially established in 1999 as a Nilai Cancer Institute (NCI) that focuses on cancer research, diagnosis, and treatment. Our team has since contributed to the advancement of the medical field which leads to new and better treatment options for patients. We strongly believe that research activities, help us find ways to improve healthcare and provide better services.

To better support our research activities, we have a dedicated unit with experienced study coordinators and administrators. Eligible patients may choose to participate in clinical trials at any stage of drug development. For more information about clinical trials, you may contact Ms Tamilselvi Arumugam at tamilselvi.arumugam@aureliushealth.com.

Our Specialists

Dr. Chandrashekar Hospet

Dr. Chandrashekar Hospet

Medical Specialty
Dr. Suhana Binti Yusak

Dr. Suhana Binti Yusak

Medical Specialty
Dr. Hayani Binti Abdul Wahid

Dr. Hayani Binti Abdul Wahid

Medical Specialty